0124-4221797     8448827719

Core Values

Core Values

Since its inception, TIET has been governed by its core values. The core values shape the culture and define the character of our company. We have an entire universe of values, but some of them are so primary, so important to us that despite of continuous changes in our society, government, politics, and technology, we have always abide by them. These values underlie our work, how we interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfil our mission. They guide us how we should behave and make decisions.
  • Strive for excellence in instruction and service by providing high quality education and training on various emerging technologies thus enabling students to fulfill their passion and career objectives.
  • Uphold an environment promoting education based on social values and community growth thereby helping the students in becoming world class citizens.
  • Empower and instill confidence in students and professionals in dealing with exponentially increasing information in an ever-changing array of formats.
  • Support and encourage creativity, experimentation, imagination, originality, entrepreneurship and visionary leadership.
  • Channelize individual capabilities of faculty and staff ofTIET into team performances, powered by human values and mutual respect.
  • Maintain honesty, integrity, and ethics in all aspects of our business.