List of SMLayout Programs
A. Rectangle to Rectangle Transition
TRANAGenerates Layout of Rectangle to Rectangle Transition without offset.
TRANAOGenerates Layout of Rectangle to Rectangle Transition with offset.
TRANAOOGenerates Layout of Rectangle to Rectangle Transition with offset and top rectangle inclined at an angle.
B. Rectangle to Circle Transition
TRANBGenerates Layout of Rectangle to Circle Transition.
TRANBXOGenerates Layout of Rectangle to Circle Transition with offset.
TRANBAOGenerates Layout of Rectangle to Circle Transition with offset and circle inclined at an angle.
C. Cones Development
STCONE (Single Truncated Cone)This program generates a flat layout of a single truncated cone that is cut at an angle at the top.
DTCONE (Double Truncated Cone)This program generates a flat layout of a double truncated cone that is cut at an angle at the top and at the bottom.
CONE-SGenerates Layout of a CONE, in several predefined number of pieces and cutting allowance, along the length of a rectangular sheet.
CONE-60Generates Layout of a CONE in two identical pieces along the diagonal of a rectangular piece.
CONE-2PSGenerates Layout of a CONE in two identical pieces along the length of a rectangular sheet.
CONE-1PGenerates Layout of a CONE in a single piece.
CONE-OFGenerates Single Piece Layout of a CONE with offset.
CONE-2OFGenerates Single Piece Layout of a CONE with offset and Cut Top.
D. Cone-Cylinder Intersection
CONCYLPGenerates Layout of CYLINDER for Cone-Cylinder intersection with parallel axis.
CONCYLPXGenerates Layout of HOLE in the Cone, for Cone-Cylinder Intersection with parallel axis.
CONCYLTGenerates Layout of CYLINDER for Cone-Cylinder intersection with the axis at 90 Degrees.
CONCYLTXGenerates Layout of HOLE in the Cone, for Cone-Cylinder intersection with the axis at 90 degrees.
E. Cylinder - Sphere Intersection
CYLSPHRGenerates Layout of CYLINDER for Sphere Cylinder intersection.
F. Cylinder - Cylinder Intersection
CYLCYLBGenerates Layout of CYLINDER for a Cylinder-Cylinder intersection when the cylinders are at an angle without any offset.
CYLCYLCGenerates Layout of CYLINDER for a Cylinder-Cylinder intersection when the cylinders are offset and are intersecting at 90 degrees.
CYLCYLDGenerates Layout of CYLINDER for Cylinder-Cylinder intersection when the cylinders are offset and intersecting at an angle.
CYLCYLFGenerates Layout of Cylinder for Cylinder-Cylinder intersection when the cylinders intersect at their ends, like a picture frame.
CYLHOLEGenerate flat layout of hole in a cylinder for cylinder-cylinder intersection. The cylinders can be offset and intersecting at an angle
CYLCFLATGenerates Layout of Cylinder when the cylinder intersects with a flat surface.
CYLFLATHThis program generates the shape of the hole in the flat plate for a cylinder to flat plate intersection.
THSELL1This program generates flat layout of a cylindrical tank shell and the hole: a hole where the pipe intersects with the tank shell.
G. Pyramid Development
PYRAMID1Generates a Single Piece Layout of a multi sided PYRAMID with offset.
PYRAMID2Generates a Single Piece Layout of a multi sided PYRAMID with offset and cut top.
H. Boxes and Elbows Development
BOXRGenerates Layout of a Rectangular Box.
ELBOW1Generates Layout of an ELBOW with a predefined elbow angle.
ELBOWPB (TAPERED ELBOW)This program calculates various parameters for an elbow that is tapered. The program also draws the tapered elbow on the screen and automatically dimensions it.
This program generates the strip layout of a flat circular plate with a hole in the center.
SHCONE1This program generates the strip layout of a shallow cone with open top.
HEMIS1This program generates the flat strip layout of a hemispherical dish.
DISH1This program generates the flat strip layout of a spherical tank head.
DISHKThis program generates a flat strip layout of a spherical dish with a knuckle radius.
- SMLayout is written in AutoLISP Programming Language.
- SMLayout works with all versions of AutoCAD (versions 2.7 and up).
- SMLayout works on all platforms that run AutoCAD.
- SMLayout programs do not need any 2D or 3D drawings to generate flat layout.
- The flat layout drawings, created by SMLayout, contain intelligent vector information like any AutoCAD drawing.
- SMLayout programs provide a dimensioning option that automatically dimensions the flat layout.